Vital Strategies’ effective and innovative campaigns address the topics that shape global health.


Sugary Drinks Tax

In April 2018, South Africa became the first African country tax sugary drinks, despite strong industry opposition.

Focus Area






A still from “Are you drinking yourself sick?” agenda-setting TV ad featuring a child and her father, showing how drinking sugary drinks can lead to the onset of diseases Source: HEALA
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With obesity rates and associated diseases soaring in South Africa, reducing consumption of the main culprit, sugary drinks, was essential.

To combat skyrocketing rates of obesity, diabetes and related diseases, South African civil society groups implemented a national media campaign to educate consumers about what was in their drinks and the dangers of overconsumption, with support from Vital Strategies. It connected the sugar content to the illnesses with public service announcements. “Are you drinking yourself sick?” portrayed a father and child accompanied by graphics illustrating sugar’s effect on health. “Journey: What sugary drinks did to me” showed the amount of sugar a woman drank throughout her day, then followed her as she experienced the health effects. Despite industry pushback, an 11% tax (health promotion levy) on sugary drinks was passed.
It’s possible to achieve policy wins which protect the health of our people if civil society, researchers and other stakeholders rally together with tenacity and commitment.”
Nzama Mbalati
Program Manager of Healthy Living Alliance (HEALA)
A print ad used to urge policymakers to prioritize the needs of the public and not the sugary beverage industry. Source: HEALA
Of deaths in South Africa are from obesity-related diseases; diabetes is the nation’s second-biggest killer.
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Ads illustrated the health effects of sugary drinks on people.

Two ads highlighted the issue for policymakers and brought the issue into people’s daily lives. “Are you drinking yourself sick?” showed a father and child contending with a bottle of fruit juice. “Journey: what sugary drinks did to me” took viewers through a woman’s day as she consumed several sugar-laden drinks, then suffered the health effects.

By the Numbers

Sugary-drinks consumption increase in South Africa, 1999-2012
741.4 M
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Our impact

The mass-media campaign reached 14.6 million people via television, radio, print and out-of-home ads and registered 520,000 unique impressions on social media. Afterward, research showed 90% of the target audience believed sugary drinks were one of the biggest contributors to obesity and related NCDs.

14.6 million people reached

The campaign built public approval for the tax that counteracted protests from the beverage and sugar industries.


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Tobacco control
Sugary Drinks Tax