Vital Strategies’ effective and innovative campaigns address the topics that shape global health.

Campaigns That Shape Policy, Mobilize People and Improve Lives

Vital Strategies’ effective and innovative campaigns address the topics that shape global health—from food environments to harmful drug use and the role of corporate interests. Our goal: a society where good health is possible for all.

The “Support Harm Reduction Campaign” included mobile billboards driven around the Washington D.C. area. 

Focus Areas

Tobacco Control

Unless urgent action is taken to reverse this global epidemic, tobacco will kill as many as 1 billion people this century, making it the greatest single source of preventable death and disease.
Our Impact

Our work has led to comprehensive national tobacco legislation in Mexico, Russia, Senegal, Turkey and Ukraine, protecting over 400 million people.

Focus Areas

Food Policy

We’re experiencing a global nutrition transition where people increasingly consume unhealthy ultra-processed foods and sugary drinks. Healthier diets could prevent 11 million deaths each year and promote economic development.
Our Impact

Our partnerships have led to lifesaving changes such as front-of-package warning labels in Brazil, taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages in Barbados, Mexico and South Africa, and on junk food and sugary drinks in Colombia.

Focus Areas

Road Safety

More than 90% of the world’s deaths on the roads occur in low- and middle-income countries—even though they have less than half of the world’s vehicles.
Our Impact

From 2007 to 2018, Road Safety interventions have saved an estimated 312,000 lives on the roads in 15 countries and up to 30 cities.

Focus Areas

Overdose Prevention

The overdose crisis claims 100,000 lives each year in the United States, with rates climbing fastest in communities of color. We’re growing momentum for a health- and community-based response.
Our Impact

Our Overdose Prevention Program is bringing a comprehensive approach to reduce overdose deaths in seven states: Kentucky, Michigan, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.


What Makes Our Public Health Campaigns Different?

We are committed public health thinkers, working in 80+ countries, with expertise that extends across a dozen issues. We rely on purpose-built tools and approaches that are driven by research, center health equity through community engagement and government partnerships, and accelerate positive health outcomes. Our history as collaborators for sustained change means we emphasize co-development with local communities and experts and take the road that emphasizes sustainable impact.

Equipping Communities with Strategies for Change

Building Government Partnership and Action

Creating Research-Driven Campaigns

Grounding All Work in Equity

Accelerating Health Policies

Community Voices

Our goal is to promote policy change and improve population behaviors.

Leveraging the latest tools and evidence, we integrate policy advocacy, mass media, digital channels, news coverage and community mobilization to power lasting, lifesaving change.

Partner with us

We collaborate with governments, change makers, and leading researchers to move policy and people toward a healthier, more equitable society.